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Mi Tierra

My Earth

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Lyrics and music written by Ana Maria Calabrese

All arrangements and music production by Moises Herrera 

© 2022 Ana Maria Calabrese 


Earth Day Song Lyrics

The English translation of the following lyrics is offered as a guide for non-Spanish speakers. The song is not intended to be sung/performed in English



Mi tierra es azul, también es verde (2)

My earth is blue, it’s also green

Tiene muchos animales, tiene muchas plantas (2)

It has many animals, it has many plants

La voy a cuidar, voy a reciclar

I’m going to take care of it, I’m going to recycle


Mi tierra es azul, también es verde (2)

My earth is blue, it’s also Green

Tiene pueblos y ciudades,  tiene mucha gente (2)

It has towns and cities, it has lots of people

La voy a cuidar, voy a reciclar

I’m going to take care of it, I’m going to recycle

Download song lyrics 

Ativities Tips

Tips & Activities 

  • Prior to playing the song, familiarize yourself with the song lyrics and the vocabulary

  • This is a simple and short Spanish song for Earth Day (Día de la Tierra) that will allow you to work with basic vocabulary to raise awareness with your children and students 

  • Review and introduce the vocabulary using fill-out, and cut-out activities from the guide and worksheets to use at home or school

  • Download free this package for Spanish teachers. No email required. If you want to support me please download the song on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, share on social media, or stream my music on Spotify and YouTube.

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  • Instagram Ana Calabrese_spm
  • Facebook Page Ana Calabrese
  • Spotify Ana Calabrese
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Short, educational, and interactive songs to help you introduce your students to basic Spanish while having fun moving, imitating,

 and repeating words, phrases, and sounds in Spanish.

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NEW mini-book 

 for the song "Mi Tierra"!

Download the song lyrics  with translations to English, French and Portuguese!

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Playlists on Spotify to boost Spanish!

  • Spotify Spanish Plus Me
Minibook Mi Tierra
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